2023 Harvey County Fair

Circle 8 and Hesston Shoe Scuffers organized a booth at the Harvey County Fair to showcase Square Dancing as an All American Tradition. The booth won a purple ribbon at the fair, but more importantly lets the community know that Square Dancing continues to be an All-American Tradition that people are missing out on!

April 24 – Jim Howard will be in town

Circle 8 is having a special dance on April 24 with Jim Howard from Oklahoma City. For those that have never danced to Jim, they are in for a treat. We are doing something special also this dance. Instead of pre-rounds, Jim will be leading us with Hexagon Squares – six couple dancing.

So join us at 5:30, April 24, 2022 for hexagon squares with Jim, then the mainstream (with two plus tips) will start at 6:00pm. We are dancing at the Park City Senior center in Park City, Kansas — just North of Wichita, KS.

27 March 2022 – A full day of dancing

Sunday, March 27 be sure to show up early as Circle 8 will be hosting a full afternoon and evening a great dancing opportunities. From 2:00-4:30pm, Circle 8 is hosting the Gold district tenderfoot dance. All new dancers can attend for free and dance to area callers and cuers. It is a great opportunity to meet the new dancers and dance to some callers you may not have heard yet.

At 5:30pm, Circle 8’s regular dance starts with Kevin Denning providing pre-rounds. You may even be able to dance to Diane as well! At 6:00-8:30pm, Jonathan Marshall from Oklahoma City will be sharing his calling talent with same great dancing tips with more rounds in between.

Finally, we have not left out dinner. During the hour break between the tenderfoot and the dance, Circle 8 members are hosting a chili feed. Free will donations are accepted with the proceeds being used for drawings for the Spring Festival admission tickets. The more donations, the more ticket drawings! You must be present to win, and to also enjoy some great chili and fixins’.

See everyone Sunday –

2:00pm – Tenderfoot dance
4:30pm – Chili Feed
5:30pm – Pre-rounds (Kevin Denning)
6:00pm – Squares (Jonathan Marshall)

Park City Senior Center – just North of Wichita off of highway I-135.

Social Distancing Continued….

Circle 8 and the Square Dancing community are supporting the call for social distancing to help minimize the spread of the Covad-19 virus. As a result, we are all making tremendous sacrifices in many ways, including not square and round dancing.

The following cancellations are happening in our immediate area:

Wichita Spring Festival – April 3-4, 2020 – is cancelled
Circle 8 April Dances – are cancelled
Kansas State Square Dance Convention – June 5-6, 2020 – is cancelled

We hope to see everyone in a square or on the dance floor soon. In the mean time, stay safe and healthy!

2020 March 22 – No Dance

It is our sincerest regrets that we have chosen to cancel our dance with Scott Bennett and Betty Skillett on March 22, 2020. These are challenging times and the Circle 8 club wants to reduce the temptation to collect in larger groups to help mitigate any health risks.

We will continue to review future dances and keep everyone posted. As always, keep safe and help promote a health environment.

We look forward to seeing you in a future square and round dance!

2020 March 22 – Scott Bennett/Betty Skillett

Circle 8 is pleased to feature Scott Bennett from Lawton, OK on Squares and Betty Skillett from Emporia cueing the rounds. This is a great opportunity to experience great talent to our area at the Park City Senior center, 61st and Hydraulic just North of Wichita.

Rounds begin at 6:30pm with Squares starting at 7:00pm.

Earlier in the day, Diamond A+ Squares will be hosting an Advanced A1/A2 dance with Scott at the Senior Center. Squares start for Advanced at 2:00pm-4:30pm.

2020 March 8 – Allen Hahn/Joe Dawley

Circle 8 is welcoming the beginning of Spring with our dance on March 8, featuring Allen Hahn calling the square dance and Joe Dawley leading with Round dance and lines. Please be sure to join us, and remember we are still handing out playing cards. Every dance you get to collect a new card to see if you can get the best cards.

Rounds/Lines start at 6:30pm with Joe, while Square dancing starts at 7:00 pm at the Park City Senior center near 61st and Hydraulic, just North of Wichita.

Feb 23, 2020 – Sue Dellere/Kevin Denning

Lessons are going well for Circle 8 with a good number of both new students and others returning to the Square Dancing activity. We look forward to your seeing you in a Square.

Please join us for our next dance on February 23 for a great night of dancing with Sue Dellere calling the squares and Kevin Denning leading the rounds.

Rounds start at 6:30, with Squares beginning at 7:00 pm at the Senior center in Park City, KS

2020 January 12 – Annual Wichita Area callers association fundraiser

Circle 8 is pleased to host their annual dance to benefit the Wichita Area Square Dance callers association. Proceeds to the dance go to the callers association to help support the dangle dinner for the area square dancers. Our area is host to many fantastic callers and cuers.

Our dance on January 12 will feature the Wichita callers and cuers throughout the evening. Rounds begin at 6:30, with squares starting at 7.

2019 New Years Eve Party

It’s an annual tradition! Join Circle 8 as we celebrate the arrival of 2020 to an evening of Square and Round dancing with our own Tammy Gough leading the square dancing and David Myers leading the rounds. Rounds start at 8:30pm. Square Dancing starts at 9:00pm. Circle 8 will treat our dancers to breakfast into the new year.

Join us at the Park City Senior center just North of Wichita as we dance into the New Year!