25 March 23 – Welcome new Dancers

Please join Circle 8 in welcoming our new dancers to the square dance activity at our next dance – Sunday March 23, 2025. This dance will begin with pre-plus at 5:30, with mainstream starting at 6pm with Tammy Gough, calling.

Also, come hungry! We are hosting a chili feed with this dance! Come and enjoy various flavors of chili and other food and deserts.

Dance is located at Park City Senior center, in Park City, KS.

2025 Jan 12 – WASDCA Benefit Dance – Canceled

Circle 8 is sad to inform our annual WASCA (Wichita Area Square Dance Callers Association) benefit dance has been canceled for Jan 12, 2025. Ole’ man winter delivered more snow this week making travel and parking conditions a little more treacherous.

Please look forward to our next dance on February 9. This is the Superbowl dance afternoon dance at 1:30pm for rounds with Mike Turner and 2:00pm for squares with Allen Hahn. This is also at a different location – West Heights United Methodist Church – West side door ‘D” – 745 N Westlink Ave, Wichita, KS.

On Jan 26, please plan to attend the KSDA January Meeting and Dance at Croco Hall, Topeka, KS with Lanny Weaklend calling and cueing. The dancer meeting starts at 1:00 pm and the Dance is from 3:00-5:00pm. KSDA Members are $7 and KSDA members are $9 to attend.

2024 November 10 – Jonathan Marshall

Circle 8 is pleased to host Jonathan Marshall from Oklahoma City for our next dance on Sunday, November 10. Jonathan is a full time musician in Oklahoma that does a great job call square dances as well. In between dance tips, Jonathan will entertain the crowd with some of his song selections for listening or dancing pleasure.
Join us at 5:30pm for pre-plus and 6:00pm for mainstream on Sunday, November 10 at Park City Senior Center, 6100 N. Hydraulic, Park City, KS.

2024 Sept 22 – Mike Turner

Circle 8 invites everyone to join us on September 22 for Mike Turning leading is in both Round and Square Dancing. This is also the second dance for our “Music makes the Square go Round” and try to figure out the song for the music.

Rounds start at 5:30pm with Squares starting at 6:00 pm at Park City Senior Center, 6100 N Hydraulic Ave, Park City, KS 67219.

2024 Sept 8 – Welcome Back

Circle 8 begins its new dance season with “Music Makes the Square go Round” as the theme for the year. Each dance, a song will be featured with related sheet music without words for the dancers in attendance to match to the song played. Prizes will be awarded at the end of season in May.

Begin the fun on September with rounds at 5:30 with Mike Turner. Tammy Gough will be leading the squares beginning at 6pm with the 3rd and 6th tip as plus.

Join us at Park City Senior Center – 6100N Hydraulic Ave, Park City, KS 67219 starting at 5:30pm.

Circle 8 Wins League Travel

Congratulations to the many Circle 8 members who traveled and collected the League travel cards. At the 2024 Spring Festival, the many clubs within the Kansas Square Dance Association Gold District participated in the League Travel Card program turned their collection in. Circle 8 collected the most cards and was the recipient of the winning prize from the League. Thanks Circle 8 members for supporting the clubs in the district!

2024 March 24 – New Dancers!

Join us on Sunday, March 24 as we welcome our new (and returning) dancers to square dancing with Circle 8 and square dancing in general. The dancing fun begins at 5:30pm with Mike Turner cueing rounds and Tammy Gough calling the square dance.

Also – all guests will be treated to great Circle 8 Chili! Come also to enjoy.

Hope to see you on Sunday at Park City Senior Center, Park City, KS

2024 January 14 – WASDCA Benefit Dance – Canceled

Update – owing to the extreme weather conditions, Circle 8 has decided to cacncel the Jan. 14 dance.  We invite you to our next dance on On Sunday, Feb 11.

January 14 starting the new year off right by supporting our Wichita Area Square Dance Callers Association with a benefit dance. The Wichita Area Callers and Cuers are sharing their time with Circle 8 to allow square and round dancers the opportunity to hear them. All proceeds from the dance will be donated to the WASDCA group for their use in supporting the dancers.
Pre-rounds start at 5:30pm with Squares starting at 6:00pm at the Park City Senior Center, Park City, Kansas!